La Ville La Nuit. Les secrets de Xàbia Médiévale
Hora inicio: 21:00 - Hora fin: 22:30
Zone : Tourist Info Xàbia Centre
Guided-Dramatized Route in french. A ghost explores Xàbia recognizing the city of his ancestors; the Xàbia of the Aragón Kingdom; the Xàbia with fortified walls and raided by pirates. Xàbia 500 years ago still present in its streets and palaces. In Spanish. Prior registration required in the Tourism Offices.
Routen und Ausflüge Precio Adultos 8€ Niños 4€

Oscar Bento
03/08/2019 al 28/08/2019
Hora inicio: Ohne Angabe - Hora fin: Ohne Angabe
Zone : Isabel Bilbao Galeria
In August, both at IB Galería and interior·s (Jávea/Xàbia), Oscar Bento presents a selection of canvases corresponding to series he's been developing during the last decade: The Sea, Landcapes, Music, Wine and Chocolate ... The sensitive expression interpreting nature, music or the sensual idea of wine, arises from the most intimate Oscar Bento. Along this diversity of themes we find reflection, depth of colour and the powerful light of his paintings, which are the common thread of his artistic career, from its beginning until today.

El mundo marinero en Xàbia
Hora inicio: 19:00 - Hora fin: 20:30
Zone : Tourist Info Port
Guided tour in spanish, where you will discover the fishermen's traditions and the sea culture. Pre-registration in Tourist Info Xàbia or phone 96 579 07 36 / 96 579 43 56
Routen und Ausflüge 6€ adults, children 3€