Raw Jávea - Xàbia
04/07/2020 al 30/09/2020
Hora inicio: Ohne Angabe - Hora fin: Ohne Angabe
Zone : Yacht Club
Exhibit of 25 photographies by Javier Díez. More info: www.jdiez.com www.cnjavea.net

01/07/2020 al 15/09/2020
Hora inicio: Ohne Angabe - Hora fin: Ohne Angabe
Zone : Isabel Bilbao Galeria
Oscar Bento presents his collection: "40 años pintando en Jávea" (40 years painting in Javea) in which he invites us to explore the fascinating and multiple memories reflected in the paintings. www.memoriesoscarbento.com

Once upon a time in Xàbia
Hora inicio: 20:00 - Hora fin: Ohne Angabe
Zone : Pl. Església (Church Square)
Language: Spanish. A character from the past of Xàbia takes a stroll through the modern city and invites you to join him.
Routen und Ausflüge Precio A partir de 8 años 6€