La força de la mirada - Toni Ortolá
24/11/2023 al 05/01/2024
Hora inicio: Ohne Angabe - Hora fin: Ohne Angabe
Zone : Ca Lambert
A direct gaze in our eyes always provokes a reaction, perhaps a pleasant sensation or maybe not. We can certainly say that there are many types of gazes. There are gazes that help us to heal. There are also gazes that protect us. Other gazes are so full of hope that they make us believe in the future. We cannot forget the gazes of tenderness. And we cannot forget the look of sadness that makes us suffer so much when we witness it. Of course, there are many more gazes which are not necessary to mention.

Painting course: "Mural and trompe l'oeil"
24/07/2023 al 24/11/2023
Hora inicio: Ohne Angabe - Hora fin: Ohne Angabe
Zone : Mezquida de les Pedres
Teacher: Victor Goikoetxea. From 30th of October to 24th of November. Duration: 4 weeks. More information: www.victorgoikoetxea.com . Contact: 688 620 554. In collaboration with: Asociación Camino del Alba.

13/10/2023 al 15/12/2023
Hora inicio: Ohne Angabe - Hora fin: Ohne Angabe
Zone : Isabel Bilbao Galeria
Under the title of Relax, Abellán's painting is a song to life, a reflection on all of us, committed to the search for happiness. Works that explore communication from within and outside themselves and that are not devoid of a critical perspective